söndag 15 november 2009

Our first dreambear gathering

Dream bear gathering and positive visioning October 18 2009

At our first gathering we experienced an authentic good presence and we were all very touched by the event. It seems that our antennas start to grow very fast when we begin to articulate our positive dreams and wishes in this way. We had lit some candles and an incense stick to tune our minds to the sacred and our intent to the positive.

We made three rounds of speaking our true dreams and wishes and this is briefly a condensed version of our first gathering.

First out was a wish for clarity and peace, a wish to define ones personal loyalties and responsibilities. IN THIS PARTICULAR TIME it is extra important to find out what that is,

to be loyal to one self and to be in charge and responsible for the personal being that we are and for our truth and our joy and our beliefs.

We shared an experience of a place in dream time, a place where everyone is respected for what she or he is and where nobody is abused or taken advantage of in some way. It is a place where people are actually living in peace and love and where work is part of the music so to speak and very much is done while singing. The community spirit is a very loving and uplifting positive energy. Yes this is part of reality. This place exists and hints at what living in beauty and love might bring in to our reality as well.

Yes we may be messed up and traumatized in many ways and almost drowning in negativity, but still, as soon as we start to address this kind of anti gravity power we call love, a leveling out of negativity starts and that is our personal work with our selves. We further expressed, that we would like to live in a more naive way as well. At least allow the naive attitude of trust in the good and uplifting power inherent in all of us and in all natural beings in the Creation. We know that we need to be more childish as well as allow the children to participate in more of our important decision making. We would like that to happen. We will open up to more real communication and involve our fellow beings, animals and plants and even open up to the greater community of the universe as well, to all that is resonant with our positive creativity and visioning. We confirmed our living as a community related story and we like to be part in that and accept fully that communication is also about sharing. We consented about a will to learn more about sharing. We would like that to happen. In this first meeting we also turned politics around in our understanding and defined it to be about how we are meeting and organize our lives together and its projects in a holographic, consensus way of doing it. It might even be great fun when the human competence is not abused by manipulation and power any more.

It felt very important and was confirmed with soft tears. May it come true accordingly…

Loving regards

The Dream bear messenger team through Kai

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